SQL Payroll Releases | E Stream MSC

SQL Payroll Releases

SQL Payroll 1.2024.260.208

Released on 13 Jul 2024
Release Notes
  • Database upgrade to version 133
  • #6059: Add Attendance Reward for non TMS user
  • Add AttendanceReward column to HR_EMP table
  • #6058: Employee payroll support taxable other income
  • Add pending taxable other income
  • Optimize Time Attendance Summary report form performance
  • Update day Type for TA.Attendance reports
  • Add PT_OI table
  • Add HRDF Info for Yearly Individual Report
  • Fixed TA.Attendance1.Report report DayType not correctly shown
  • Add PR.Tax.CP22B-2023 format, Remove PR.Tax.CP22B-2015 format & update PR.Tax.CP22B-2021 format
  • #6068: Add Yearly EPF, Yearly SOCSO and Yearly EIS reports
  • Add PostDate index to pending transaction tables
  • Total tax benefit and total tax deduction are not updated if press Esc key
  • #6064: Add Income Tax CP22 text file format
  • #6048: Prompt confirmation message in Maintain Employee if wage is entered below 1500
  • #6067: Foreign workers contribute to SOCSO First Category with effect from 1 July 2024
  • #6065: Maybank2E-RC Universal Payment file format support Duitnow Transfer payment mode
  • #6063: Add HRDF amount to Yearly Individual report
  • #6061: AmAccess Biz Payroll SOCSO file format IC number column is not filled with SOCSO number for foreign worker
  • Update RowVer for HR_BRANCH, PR_CL, LV_ENTITLE, LV_GROUP_DTL. LV_TYPE, TA_CALENDAR, TA_OT to fix cannot show special characters for Code and Description field
  • #6060: Compensation and Gratuity month end calculation error if calculated pcb in adhoc
  • #6057: After process month end, able to edit earlier process in the same month for an employee
  • #6056: Hong leong bank connect first giro file format missing bank codes
  • #6055: Add Affin Bank AffinMax Statutory Excel format
  • Database upgrade to version 131 prompt “string truncation” error when execute procedure APPEND_PT_TRANS if source column contains unicode characters
  • #6051: Print Time Attendance Summary Photo capture different from Sync Cloud
  • #6050: MBSB Journey Corporate Payroll file format incorrect bank codes
  • Disable inserting and deleting on Maintain Traveller Location grid
  • #6049: Am-Access Biz Payroll file format missing columns I & J for non resident
  • #6044: UOB IBG with payment advice file format missing payment currency for some employee
  • Set MgrAutoApproval to false when create new employee
  • Fixed PR.Summary.Grouped-L3.Report 2 export to excel Bonus amount not shown

SQL Payroll 1.2024.259.207

Released on 30 Apr 2024
Release Notes
  • Database upgrade to 132
  • #5625: Cloud pending claim window added “Trans Date” grid column
  • #6042: CP8D employer section file is still created even the “Include Employer’s Particular” option is checked
  • #6041: HSBC bank EIS file format has an incorrect filename
  • Add MgrAutoApproval to HR_EMP
  • Fixed PR.Zakat-Penang & Sarawak Format report some data not correctly shown
  • Add Country parameter to TCreateDatabase constructor
  • #6038: Exempted compensation and gratuity should not add in EA form column F and EC form column E
  • #6037: MBSB Journey Corporate unable to capture Recipient Reference and Other Payment Details

SQL Payroll 1.2024.257.206

Released on 01 Apr 2024
Release Notes
  • Database upgrade to 131
  • Add HR.HistoryListing report
  • Add Gratuity for PR.Payslip Report with V2 format
  • Add Gratuity column PR.Summary.Grouped Report
  • Add Transaction Code for PR.Yearly reports
  • PR.SOCSO.Borang2.Report-Foreign Add passport validity and permit starting date
  • #5642: Add support gratuity
  • Add PT_GR table; add DOB column to PT_INFO
  • Add Code column to PT_CP table
  • Fixed Lampiran 2 report not showing total compensation
  • #6008: Add PassportIssueDate, ImmigrationIssueDate, PermitIssueDate to Maintain Employee
  • #6034: Add GX Bank to employee bank lookup
  • #6033: e-AmPayDay net payroll socso file format IC number column is not filled with SOCSO number for foreign worker
  • #6032: Add “Include Employer’s Particular” option to income tax CP8D and eData Praisi windows
  • #6028: Income tax CP8D report exclude employee record with gross remuneration equal to zero
  • #6027: Payroll yearly individual report rearrange employee eis position
  • #6026: Empty child DOB error message is unclear
  • Revise Sync Cloud DateTime format to follow system format
  • Revise Time Attendance show map marker icons
  • #5989: Add day name to Print Time Attendance Summary
  • Revise Print Work Schedule Summary to exclude resigned and inactive employees
  • #6000: Print Time Attendance Summary error when untick few status
  • Revise Time Attendance Summary report to show logs without session
  • Add DayType field to Time Attendance Leave Rule scripts
  • Fix override note field and post employee userkey to PT_CL_LOG when update status in Sync Cloud Pending Claim

SQL Payroll 1.2024.256.205

Released on 15 Mar 2024
Release Notes
  • Fixed Export to PDF Leave Long Description Overlapping
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP22A-2023 A5 & A11 wrongly map
  • #5999: Incorrect leave BF after process current year leave entitlement if last year leave application post date fall in current year
  • #6023: CP8D employee section text file is required even though content is empty
  • #6021: Leave.Entitlement.Processor.RoundToDay script return value with decimal place for employee has not completed one year of service
  • #5911: Application does not prompt message when leave application fall outside acceptable transaction date
  • #6001: Non resident PCB amount not tally with LHDN calculator
  • #6014: Generate income tax CP8D year 2022 text file prompt error “Access violation”

SQL Payroll 1.2024.254.204

Released on 22 Feb 2024
Release Notes
  • Add PR.Tax.CP22A-2023 format
  • Fixed EA 2023 & 2024 Typo Error
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP8D-2023 only shown 1 page even data more then 9
  • Add PR.Tax.CP8D-2023-BorangE – Part A format
  • #6004: Add income tax CP22A year 2023
  • #6003: “Staff IC No” column in Public bank SOCSO excel format is not filled with foreign worker SOCSO number
  • #6006: Infinite loop in leave entitlement processor script
  • #6005: CP21 show record with commission for not resigned employee
  • Fixed PR.SOCSO.Borang2.Report-Foreign Moble number shown unknow info when not enter
  • #6011: Add MBSB Bank Journey Corporate Payroll file format
  • #6010: User can still view employee wages even though user doesn’t have access right
  • Fixed PR.Tax.BorangEA-English version label not fully shown
  • Bug #6013: Income Tax CP8D 2023 Borang E Part A incorrect A2 value

SQL Payroll 1.2024.252.203

Released on 31 Jan 2024
Release Notes
  • Add PR.Tax.CP8D-2023 format
  • Update EA & EC for 2023 & 2024 to Pin 2023
  • #5996: Revise income tax CP8D year 2023
  • #5997: Rename “Maintain Public Holiday” to “Maintain Public Holiday Calendar”
  • #5956: Application does not prompt warning message when ADMIN user process month end payroll fall outside acceptable transaction date
  • #5968: Employee has not completed one year of service shall calculate AL entitlement based on number completed months service proportion
  • #5994: Income tax EA report shows an incorrect amount for tax exemption allowance
  • Change 2024 paysheet lhdn calculator to english
  • #5991: Update CP22A LHDN file format

SQL Payroll 1.2024.250.202

Released on 10 Jan 2024
Release Notes
  • Database upgrade to version 130
  • Update PR.Claim.Report field mapping
  • Add TP1 & TP3 for 2024
  • #5980: Get public holidays from web
  • Add payroll calculator year 2024
  • Add income tax EA and EC reports for year 2024
  • Optional Tax relief 2024 changes
  • Add payroll calculator year 2024
  • Add income tax CP8D year 2023
  • Add Classification, RetirementDate, ContractExpiryDate to Maintain Employee
  • Revise Time Attendance Work Schedule Processor TestCase
  • #5981: RHB Smart Payroll format unable to generate record when beneficiary bank is not RHB
  • #5978: Preview PR.Claim report prompt error “Field not found. Main.”Amount””
  • Revise TMS process to get the calendar data up to current date time
  • Add RemarkIn and RemarkOut to time attendance summary report pipeline
  • #5976: EA form raise item not found error for employee with payroll opening but without payroll process
  • Fix Pending paid leave doesn’t display leave day with full decimal when editing leave day column

SQL Payroll 1.2023.249.201

Released on 29 Dec 2023
Release Notes
  • #5975: Add email for UOB IBG file format with payment advice
  • #5973: Tax exempted allowance calculated wrongly when more than 1 allowance with same tax code
  • #5969: Add Alliance Bank BizSmart Zakat file format
  • #5972: RHB Smart Payroll format does not support Rentas bank code
  • #5941: MC leave type Process script default to “Based on calendar year, no proportion, round to 1 decimal”
  • #5971: Claim transaction project different from pending claim transaction project after process payroll
  • #5970: Add Pending Director Fee, Bonus, Paid Leave, Compensation, Advance Paid, Loan, CP38, Unpaid Leave data import from command line

SQL Payroll 1.2023.248.200

Released on 13 Dec 2023
Release Notes
  • Add PR.Zakat-Sarawak format
  • Add Time Attendance Summary Report with Location Status & Photo
  • Time Attendance Summary Report – Add Attachments & LocationStatus to pipeline
  • #5955: Add Merchantrade Top Up file format
  • #5953: Stores instruction file output directory in DB registry
  • #5965: Leave entitlement recalculation clear last year entitlement
  • #5964: Update UOB Instant Transfer file format v2.3
  • #5960: Add China Construction Bank Malaysia IBG file format
  • #5958: Unable to reconfigure leave group entitlement policy if the script is missing

SQL Payroll 1.2023.247.199

Released on 27 Oct 2023
Release Notes
  • Added Effective Date under Section ii (Action Taken) page 2 in HR.Employee.Confirmation Evaluation Form
  • Add PR.Zakat-Perlis format
  • Add Prorate Info for LV.Yearly.Report
  • Database upgrade to version 129
  • #5950: Clone Master Data required to clone over Maintain Work Session
  • Sync Cloud Time Attendance filter resigned employees
  • Work Schedule Summary – Add PH and Rest label for Public Holiday and Rest Day
  • Time Attendance Summary – Default checked On Time and Append script name to Clock Status
  • Add new time attendance day type – Rest Day (Special Rate 2) & Rest Day (Special Rate 3)
  • Sync Cloud Leave and Claim unchecked Rejected by default
  • #5946 & #5947: Time Attendance Summary – Add TotalWork, TotalOT, TotalBreakTime, TotalLateIn, TotalEarlyOut for the day
  • #5795: Leave application report Main dataset added “Time in Minute” field
  • #5921: Tax calculation sensitive to year and month
  • Add Tax exemption calculator
  • Add Tax relief calculator
  • #5954: Income tax CP21 report B-3 column does not include commission amount
  • #5952: Unable to generate loan schedule based on loan balance amount
  • #5949: Add Age field to Main Dataset of Employee report
  • Optimize performance for Sync Cloud TMS
  • #5945: Add payment advice if have email for AffinMax Corporate IBG excel file format
  • #5936: Remove leave day limitation when claim leave on the same day in Leave Application

SQL Payroll 1.2023.246.198

Released on 16 Aug 2023
Release Notes
  • Database upgrade to version 128
  • Add PR.SOCSO.Borang2.Report-Foreign format
  • Change Pipeline from Country to Nationality for PR.Tax.CP22-2021
  • Add Grand Total for PT.Claim.Report
  • Show Payment Type Description for Parameter PayType instead of number when selected 1 PayType for Payroll summary report
  • Add PR.Zakat-Sabah format
  • Update mapping City for PR.Tax.CP22-2021
  • #5916: Increase Passport, ImmigrationNo and PermitNo field length to 40 characters
  • #5904: Add “Send ELeave Email Notification” in Company Profile | E HRMS
  • Add EmailNotif_ELeave column to SY_PROFILE table
  • Fix unable to fill in missing clock in and revise time attendance date range filter
  • Redesign Work Schedule Summary and Rename to Print Work Schedule Summary
  • Display the day of the week in Maintain Calendar, Maintain Public Holiday and Maintain Traveller Location
  • Add label to show ETMS last update date
  • Add PIType and PICode support for TMS Leave Script
  • Rename Print Time Attendance Transaction Listing to Print Time Attendance Unassigned Listing
  • Disable inserting and deleting on sync Time Attendance grid
  • #5897 & #5925: Public Holiday setting removed after user edit employee details
  • #5912: Maintain Public Holiday Calendar – W change to C
  • Change action to “Cancelled” if deductible is 0
  • Add IsOT column to Leave tab in Sync Cloud and support IsOT in Leave Rules script
  • Add IsOT column to TA_TRANS table
  • Add schedule option in Maintain Calendar wizard for Rest Day
  • #5933: Hong Leong bank Connect First IRB file format Country Code column is empty and Staff No column contains non-alphanumeric characters
  • #5932: Leave Attendance report detail record decimal place not same as grand total
  • #5929: Add Nationality dataset to Payroll and Employee reports
  • #5906: Add time mask popupedit for time in minute entry
  • #5923: Maintain employee service year show in years and months
  • #5924: UOB EPF file format version 2.3
  • #5919: Some CP22A, CP22B and CP21 fields does not exclude tax exempted amount
  • #5819: Add Bank of China IGTB Payroll file format
  • Fix sync cloud WorkingHourPerDay value type from integer to TBcd for leaveday calculation
  • #5920: Add Attendance Reward column to employee browse window
  • #5915: Leave entitlement that is manually entered become 0 when recalculate
  • #5918: Allowance Reward script aTransDS dataset added TransDate, WorkUnit, TimeInMinute and Rate field
  • #5917: Delete tax benefit in maintain employee prompt out of bounds error

SQL Payroll 1.2023.243.197

Released on 06 Jul 2023
Release Notes
  • Database upgrade to version 127
  • Update mapping PostCode & State for PR.Tax.CP22-2021
  • Fixed TA.Attendance1 & TA.Attendance2 not Scale to A4 side
  • Lookup new entry form support access right approval
  • Revise sync manager data to include only active employees
  • #5903: Unable to capture Permit Expiry Date in report Employee Listing
  • #5901: Employee tax category in payroll summary report differs from employee master tax category
  • #5898: Revise existing LZS Zakat format to CSV format
  • #5885: Add Access Right for Time Attendance in Sync Cloud
  • Fix error prompt “Dataset not in edit or insert mode” when copy & paste time attendance location
  • Revise Show Map marker in Sync Cloud
  • #5893: Payroll accounting employee EPF, employee SOCSO, employer SOCSO, employee EIS, employer EIS and PCB support GL code by contribution
  • #5886: Add income tax CP22A file format
  • #5894: Access right “Print Payroll Summary – All” is not working
  • #5892: Incorrect description when preview Work Unit Summary report
  • Revise implementation of export PTPTN, CP8D, eData Praisi and Lampiran2
  • #5888: By default, Rest Day is checked in Leave Application
  • #5887: Alliance bank BizSmart Bulk Payment file format version 1.7
  • #5889: Incorrect Commission Summary report data form caption
  • #5880: Standard Chartered bank Bulk Payment format update
  • #5876: Generate new script for Leave Entitlement Policy, Leave Calculate BF and Leave Calculate Amount when pasting Leave Group from clipboard
  • #5884: The default HRDF rate for new company is 1%
  • #5883: Add “Age 60 and above” to EIS category on Maintain Employee window
  • #5870: Pending Overtime doesn’t recalculate WorkUnit when Code is changed

SQL Payroll 1.2023.242.196

Released on 09 Jun 2023
Release Notes
  • Database upgrade to version 126
  • Add monthly tax deduction computerized calculation year 2023
  • Fix bug: Incorrect monthly tax deduction amount calculated using the Knowledge Worker computerized calculator
  • Add HomeScreen
  • #5874: Add Postcode, city and state fields in Maintain Employee | Personal
  • Update TP1 & TP3 2023 new format
  • Fixed PR.SOCSO.Borang8A.Report Export to pdf Logo Black
  • Set late in buffer and early out buffer to 0 when create new session
  • Add Work Session and Work OT report
  • Add OT Remark to Print Time Attendance Summary
  • Fixed Time Attendance Summary report not in order
  • Add new time attendance day type – Rest Day (Special Rate)
  • Add Time Off Leave Type
  • Add Script Name col in Sync Cloud OT and Leave tab
  • Add Script column to TA_Trans table
  • Add Batch Edit to Sync Cloud
  • Add Time Attendance Transaction Listing Report
  • Add Flexi Working Hour script
  • Allow to choose custom script in Maintain Work OT
  • 5875: Preview pending claim in pending payroll listing prompt conversion error
  • #5872: Automation process for current year leave entitlement is not applied to newly created employee
  • #5871: Delete employee prompt “Delete is not allowed” but no TMS trans posted to payroll

SQL Payroll 1.2023.241.195

Released on 22 May 2023
Release Notes
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP22-2021 Logo black when export to pdf
  • #5852: Preview payroll summary report doesn’t follow grid column visibility
  • Bank Muamalat Payroll file format missing some bank codes
  • Database upgrade to version 125
  • Fixed black box when export to pdf for PR.Tax.CP22A-2021
  • Revise Show Map form in Sync Cloud
  • Add EarlyOutBuffer column to TA_SESSION and TA_CALENDAR table
  • Revise Show Log form in Sync Cloud
  • Fixed cannot run OT script for public holiday and rest day
  • Remove icon from menu for Work Schedule Summary
  • Add Post Date column to OT tab and Leave Tab in Sync Cloud
  • Add PostDate column to TA_TRANS table
  • Revise old Maintain Calendar to Maintain Public Holiday
  • Fix Work Unit Summary report return incomplete resultset

SQL Payroll 1.2023.239.194

Released on 08 May 2023
Release Notes
  • Database upgrade to version 124
  • #5843: Time in minute for wages should refer to employee maintain contribution working hour per day
  • Fixed PR.Tax.Lampiran B not Min Remuneration not follow user set
  • Fixed HR.Employee.Appointment Signature & date missing
  • Revise Pending Payroll Listing report
  • Add History Listing report
  • Add Permit No and Expiry Date for Permit, Immigration and Passport
  • #5866: Update Maybank2E-RC Universal Payment IRB file format based on version 7.2
  • #1249 & #1624: Add Permit No and Expiry Date for Permit, Immigration and Passport
  • Add PassportExpiryDate, ImmigrationExpiryDate, PermitNo, PermitExpiryDate columns to HR_EMP table
  • Add Time Attendance Multi-Location & Map View
  • Add Clear All Schedule and Location option when select multi employees
  • Allow delete records for TA_Calendar, TA_Summary, TA_Location in EMS if clear all records in local db
  • Feature #5832: Show map on GPS Range column in Sync Cloud
  • Feature #5833: Add Maintain Traveller Location entry form
  • Allow to show log from OT and Leave tab in Sync Cloud
  • #5865: Disable site photo if found drive is “Off”
  • Fix error prompt “RowIndex out of range” in Maintain Calendar
  • #5850: Fix unable to delete employee if employee have existing Time Attendance records
  • By default no rest days are selected for calendar wizard
  • Work Summary Summary remove grey background on today’s date
  • #5860: Fixed prompt ‘At end of table’ in Maintain Calendar
  • TimeInMinute field is missing from PT.Overtime datamap
  • Fix Work Unit Summary report access right does not work
  • #5858: Append an overtime record to employee payroll prompt assertion error if a borne allowance record contributes to overtime.
  • #5857: Payroll Summary report filter by Payment Type prompt “Conversion error from string” error
  • #5856: Payroll summary no data display when filter with category
  • Fixed slow calendar drop down when editing TMS clock in and clock out time

SQL Payroll 1.2023.238.193

Released on 18 Apr 2023
Release Notes
  • #5848: Payroll summary dataset sort order doesn’t match with sort order in grid table view when preview report
  • #5847: Payroll Summary report prompt “PISeq (AD) not found” error
  • #5424: Employer SOCSO number can only have up to 12 characters
  • Database upgrade to version 123
  • Add PR.Yearly.IndividualPay.Report-NoAD format
  • Replace pdf to jpg for PR.Tax.CP21-2021
  • Fixed PR.Tax.CP22B-2021 Tax number not correctly shown
  • #5781: Work Unit Summary support grouping
  • Adjust statutory body window caption
  • #5844: Paste record from excel into payroll detail dataset prompt “D_Wages: Dataset not in edit or insert mode” error
  • #5842: Time attendance log missing clock by default follow actual date
  • #5837: Allow user to set work session on current day
  • #5840: e-AmBiz Bulk Payment file format missing some bank codes
  • Feature #5841: Add UOB EIS file format
  • #5839: Pending unpaid leave record “Time in Minute” field is null if the record created via leave application
  • #5830: Reposition the Process button on Process Payroll window
  • Fixed missing OT records in Sync Cloud
  • Fixed Sync Time Attendance could not parse SQL TimeStamp string error
  • Add total late in, total early out, clock status and location status variable to Leave Rule script
  • Remove Maintain Calendar from Leave Menu
  • Maintain Branch set default radius to 60 meters
  • Map window allow to maximize in Maintain Branch
  • Rename ELeave tab to E HRSM in Company Profile and Maintain Employee
  • #5831: Allow to edit previous dates without session to rest day and public holiday
  • Remove Batch Edit and multiselect, Disable employee column sorting and branch column editing, Add cancel button, Set default work session text to ‘To Assign’
  • Revise GPS Location label to GPS Monitoring (Work Hour) in Maintain Work Session and Maintain Calendar and revise variable name
  • Fix folder share being deleted on disable SQL Drive
  • #5835: Change HRDF contribution in paysheet does not recalculate HRDF
  • Fix Main menu invalid command ID for Import Data
  • #5811: Leave application table view show “Time in Minute” column
  • #5828: CP8D text format should merge records when the “New IC” or “Old IC” or “Passport No” are the same
  • #5823: Data entry form supports OnBeforeSave DIY event
  • #5822: Maintain Employee window shows Age and Service Year
  • #5827: Add Traveller, Manager Approval, Manager Review and Leave Malaysia column to Maintain Employee
  • Fixed Sync Cloud unable to load claim trans
  • #5824: Leave application attachments drop down prompt error “No mapping for the Unicode character”
  • #5821: OCBC bank Easi-Giro file format missing number of bank codes
  • #5836: Add “Require ID Check” option to OCBC bank Easi-Giro file format

SQL Payroll 1.2023.236.192

Released on 18 Mar 2023
Release Notes
  • Change EA & EC 2022 & 2023 to norm customise design format
  • #5816: Maintain Loan browse window unable to filter by Employee Name
  • #5817: CP8D 2022 column U contains decimals
  • #5818: Some reports still shown to user that does not have access right
  • Database upgrade to version 122
  • #5813: Add Religion field to income tax Lampiran 2 report Main dataset
  • Add Religion column to HR_EMP table
  • Add Online Approval for access right
  • Add remote approval message to access rights
  • SY_User add Mobile, Email & OpenID_Google fields. SY_Profile add Country field
  • Add Time Attendance module
  • Add support Attendance Reward
  • Add AttendanceReward column to HR_EMP table
  • Add validation when process payroll of there are error records
  • Add Time Attendance Summary Report
  • Add Time Attendance to Sync Cloud
  • Add Work Schedule Wizard, Work Schedule Summary and Redesign Calendar
  • Maintain Employee entry form add Work OT and IsTraveller field
  • Add GeoCoordinate input in Maintain Branch and GoogleMapsAPIKey input in Company Profile & sync GeoLat, GeoLong, Radius data
  • Add GeoLat, GeoLong & Radius column to HR_BRANCH and GoogleMapsAPIKey column to SY_PROFILE
  • Add TA Session, TA Calendar, TA Trans, TA Summary and TA OT
  • Conversion of TimeInMinute to WorkUnit/LeaveDay and vice versa
  • Add TimeInMinute column to PT_WA, PT_AL, PT_OT, PT_CO, PT_DE, PT_PL, PT_UL, LV_APP table
  • #5815: CP8D filename contains leading zeros for employer tax number
  • Feature #5814: Add pending allowance and leave application for Invotime import data
  • #5810: Month end process tax amount is incorrect when ad hoc process compensation doesn’t calculate tax

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